Basic Crackers

1. Powderize in blender or coffee grinder 1 +1/2 c. flax seeds

2. In mixing bowl measure and blend:
  • 2 +1/2 c. water
  • 1 c. almond pulp (left-over from making almond milk)
  • 1/4 c. olive oil
  • 1-2 tsp sea salt
  • 1 Tbsp cumin

3. Slowly blend in flax seed and mix.

4. Spread ¼” thick (wet hands will help to spread the mixture) on:
Dehydrator: Teflex sheets (1 cup per sheet). Dehydrate at 145 degrees F for 2-3 hours, then turn over (remove Teflex sheet) and continue dehydrating at 115 degrees F for 6-8 hours until crisp.

5. Oven: cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.

6. Dry at lowest temperature for 2 hours, flip onto another sheet of parchment paper and peel off paper, continue drying until crisp (2 hours).

7. Store in glass jars.

Adapted from Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine by Gabriel Cousens, MD

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