Did you know...
"We are raising the first generation of children that will not outlive their parents." - Dr. Stewart Kennedy, MD, President, Ontario Medical Association
The top 3 causes of death in Canada are:
• Cancer (30%) (an increase of 13.5% since 2000)
• Heart Disease (21%)
• Stroke (6%)
Statistics Canada, 2011
"Many forms of cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes are almost always preventable, sometimes reversible, by adopting a whole foods, plant-based diet." - Dr. Colin Campbell, as interviewed in the documentary, Forks Over Knives.
A sprout is nature's vitamin pill. In fact sprouts are so nutritionally dense that next to sea vegetables they are the best source of minerals and trace minerals (S. Meyerowitz, Sprouts: Nature's Finest Medicine, p. 97). As for micro-greens, they are the most nourishing food on land (B. Clement, PhD, Director, Hippocrates Health Institute). One of the key benefits of sprouts and micro-greens is that they are full of enzymes which help pre-digest our food.
As an illustration, if a seed is given 500 units of nutrition, in 5-10 days' time that will increase to 5,000-10,000 units. At the first leaf stage it is at its peak of nutrition. After that, energy is directed into making the fruit or seed, by which point there are only about 1,000 unit of nutrition left in any part of the plant.